Page 3 - July 31
P. 3

                                             MOOLOOLABA INC,
                                             51st Year - Volume 48
                                                   31 Jul 2023
                                              President Pam Rurvis

        It  was  lovely  to  be  able  to  induct  a  new  member,  Andrew  Lehmann,  into  our  club  last
        Monday night. Andrew has strong family connections with Rotary, across three generations,
        and  I'm  sure  he  will  be  a  great  asset  to  the  club  particularly  in  his  chosen  portfolio,  the
        International Committee.

        Area  Governor,  Bernie  Wilson,  attended  this  meeting  as  she  had  a  lot  to  do  with  the
        Lehmann family through the Youth Exchange Program. She was also able to connect with
        some of our directors to offer advice. Again, a District Membership Award was mentioned
        but still nothing concrete.

        Our  guest  speaker  for  that  night  Dr  Ratna  Paudyal  affirmed  for  us  what  a  wonderful  job
        Rotary does in supporting communities both at home and internationally. He has expressed
        his desire to become a member which is great news. He brought with him Professor Ferdie
        Gul who is interested in championing a Rotaract club at Uni SC and he was able to network
        with Bernie Wilson about that. He suggested that he might also be interested in becoming a

        Our club has been nominated for the Best Community Service Organisation on the Sunshine
        Coast by Mark Skinner of The Board Meeting Surf Charity. Thanks to Charles Godfrey for
        providing Mark with a one-page summary of our successes thus far and projects ahead, this

        A  number  of  us  attended  the  annual  Mock  Interviews  held  by  Maroochydore  State  High
        School and found it to be a very positive experience. The students were polite and gracious,
        and it is a very life affirming experience. One feels optimistic about the future after speaking
        to  these  young  people.  I  recommend  it  to  everyone  not  in  the  least  because  of  the  great
        morning  tea  that  the  food  technology  students  provide.  Thanks  to  Sandra  Harrington  for
        coordinating it from our end.

        Don't forget our "Flanno Night" on September 4. Think about a couple of things you might
        be able to donate to their Homeware shop in Chinchilla. Sandra has kindly offered to ring
        Mitch  from  Drought  Angels  to  see  specifically  what  they'd  like  to  see  donated.  Donated
        goods will be able to be taken down to Brisbane via Sandra and directly to Chinchilla via
        Prue Byrne who came to a meeting recently. So that's one issue resolved. More on the night

        Next week, we'll hear from Vas Srinivasan who is the President of the Indian Association on
        the Sunshine Coast. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.
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